Thursday, January 31, 2008

La inceput, mai apoi, acum........... tot 4

La inceput eram 4 si toate in Cluj, apoi am ramas tot 4, dar 3 in Cluj si una in Bucuresti, mai apoi tot 4 am ramas, dar 2 in Cluj si 2 in Bucuresti, in curand vom fi tot 4, dar 2 in Cluj, 1 in Bucuresti si una in Santo Domingo (Republica Dominicana):)

Mali este noul MCP al Republicii Dominicane:):):)

PS: tot 4 vom ramane chiar daca fiecare pe un alt continent

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

And it happened:)

2008 started in a very, very big rush with unpredictable experiences, a lot of moments of happiness and a lot or tiredness.

It is not the moment or the space here to comment the moments I've passed through at the beginning of this year, the only thing that I want to mention and to re enforce is that AIESEC is a youth organization aiming to develop in its members ethical and moral leadership abilities. In AIESEC we have the power to create an ideal world, a world where everybody fights for the same goals, where we don't have conflicts, we help each other develop, we are tolerant and have respect for the others. Sometimes I have this impression that the ideal AIESEC I've imagined does not exists, because I saw many conflicts, many disrespectfully situations. My only question: will we really have that positive impact in society if we keep on acting like in a football game?

None of these experiences stopped me from trying to create a new global power, "Exchange". I want to spend one more year in this amazing organization, and in this year to bring global performance on Exchange. I love Exchange, and this is it I can not get ride of this passion:).

Two hours ago I wrote the last word on maybe the most complex application form that I filled in till now. Officially I am a candidate for the position of AI VP Exchange Management.

" I am Raluca, and I see Growth"

The game goes on and the final decision will be in a month from now.

All these things wouldn't have been possible if it hadn't been for my dear beloved, my dear Sex in the City, my dear MC team and my dear AIESEC Cluj-Napoca. Thanks a lot for supporting me throughout all my journey and maybe next year we will see each other in Rotterdam:).

Monday, October 29, 2007

What is friendship?

It is a rainy day outside and I stay at my desk looking outside and thinking about different experiences that made my life more beautiful.

One thing that comes right now in my mind are the people that used to be near me when I was happy, when I was sad, when I was smiling and crying. They are not many, they used to be more, but unfortunately it seems that all our friendship was a false one, based on a fake foundation/ With all this, my real friends are very special for me and feel them close to me day by day, even if maybe there are hundred kilo between us, they are still there.

There are some things that life thought me about friendship, some of them harsh, some of them sweet, but in the end valuable ones.

- I've learned that there are many good friends around, but true best friends are hard to come by

- I've learned that you can do something or nothing with a best friend and still have the best time

- I've learned that there is nothing more painful then hurting your best friend or being hurt by this

-I've learned that a true friendship has many memories, both good and bad, but all important

-I've learned that a best friend's family soon feels like your own

-I've learned that nothing ever sounds stupid, funny, or unbelievable to a best friend, and you never feel stupid saying whatever it is

-I've learned that when your heart has been broken, a best friend is the best band-aid for it

-I've learned that in many cases, a hug and a kind word from a best friend is the only thing that helps get you through the day

-I've learned that best friends stay up all night and on the phone for hours talking without even realizing it

I have just few best friends, but for sure the best one:)

Monday, September 17, 2007

la 23 de ani

si iata ca am 23 de ani.....

in castile mele rasuna de zor " viata are gust, bucurate de ea" asa voi 23 de ani sunt fericita.....iubesc si sunt prieteni o familie un frate de treaba....lucrez ceva care imi place tare mult.... vise mari.....simt ca traiesc asa cum imi place si cum cateva cuvinte ma simt bine

viata este intr-adevar doar o data si vreau sa ma bucur:)

totul poate fi redat prin imagini....viata mea de acum poate fi descrisa astfel


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Viata ca o petrecere

In cateva minute mergem la Carrefour, ne cumparam un televizor...yuppi, vom avea in camera noastra ceva care sa ne relaxeze dupa o zi de munca, ne vom putea uita la stiti, la meciuri....sunt fericita.

Dar, pana sa plec am descoperit pe un blog a unei prietene o super fraza, care m-a facut sa zambesc si sa ii dau atata dreptate cele ce a spus-o

" Viata s-ar putea sa nu fie petrecerea la care am visat, dar, daca tot am ajuns aici, hai sa dansam!"

Foarte faina chestie, sper ca unii dintre voi participati la cea mai faina petrecere a voastra, sper ca cei care nu cred ca sunt la cea mai faina petrecere, sa treaca peste asta si sa se bucure totusi de ea, fiindca nu prea stim cat o sa dureze, si cu sigurantza de alta nu se vor mai bucura.

Monday, July 23, 2007


I think people are the greatest invention ever, without, there won't be anything to make this life so amazing.

I like to express my feelings regarding people I admire, but I often do this in writting than in speaking, so this post is dedicated to a person I admire a lot, the dearest of my heart.

I just want to tell YOU that you offered me so many lessons, YOU taught me so many things, YOU challenged me so many times, YOU made me feel alive so many moments...and all this just being you.

I'm more than proud to have you next to me, I'm more than lucky to hear your heart beating almost each day, I'm more than glad to have somebody with me.

Life is a complicated road, but for YOU this was not a unbeaten thing, YOU followed your dreams, threw away the rocks in front you, and now you shine...and all because YOU didn't give up.

All my respect for the person you are, all my respect for a wonderful job you made, all my respect for your courage.

Thanks a lot for every moment and every lesson offered.

YOU are and will always be a special person for me.